Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Club for everygirl who likes writing

After talking left and right, never thought, it turns out quite a few friends "excited" by the idea of ​​establishing a school-based Talent. Just how? As a result, this idea should be the way somehow. Because this is not just an idea, but a dream. So, as a first step we will make the club first. Talent-based school is a school for developing talent and interest, so the classes are in the form of clubs.There are writing club, diva club, animation club, etc. Well, because the cost of the device and to establish schools quite complicated and large, then we set up the club first. It's like building a dream home, which is preceded by arranging bricks one by one. Clubs that want to set up the first time was writing club. This is due to the establishment of school-based talent is fronted by people equally like writing. In addition, the establishment of capital was also not so great. Well, after writing club, then other clubs will surely also soon stand. This is a writing club targets schoolgirls. Club members will be divided into teams to complete the project. We are also looking for a publisher to accept the results of the project will be. What if the publisher does not accept? then we publish the results of the project will be independent. So, for the schoolgirls aged 15 years and over who are interested in realizing the dream in the field of writing, better join this club. It's free. Want it???

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